Love Haiti

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Haitian Educators Choosing Their Donors

We recently kicked off the school year at Cascade Pichon Community School (CPCS)! Because of a lack of government funding, the school was going to have to close its doors if they couldn’t find other financial support for the 2021-2022 school year. Luckily, we had 8 donors step up and “adopt a classroom” for the year so we could help them keep every classroom open!

Rather than having our donors choose who they wanted to support, we had the teachers at CPCS choose which donor THEY wanted to support their classroom. They were all presented with a picture and bio of each donor, and each teacher chose the donor they wanted to partner with.

Here you can see Yvona. Yvona teaches kindergarten and chose our friends Megan and Javon to be her supporters for the school year!