Last week, Haitian President Jovenel Moïse announced that there had been two reported cases of COVID-19 in Haiti. One of the individuals is an ex-pat, and the other is a Haitian citizen. However, early this morning, we also received word from our friends at Heart to Heart International - Haiti that there have now been two more cases of COVID-19 reported in southeast Haiti alone, where our communities are located.
These are very interesting and unprecedented times. While the developed world stocks up on toilet paper, frozen foods, and hand sanitizer, we cannot forget that this novel virus will have the most significant impact in countries that are the least prepared to handle it. In a country of 11 million people, it is estimated that Haiti has just under 200 total hospital beds to receive patients who fall ill to COVID-19. We are talking with Nurse Maryse and our other healthcare professionals about what the best course of action is to help our vulnerable friends in the southeast.
In this time of insecurity and fear, we cannot forget about those who are most vulnerable in our world, a world that we are all proportionately responsible for creating.